I went for my swim last night. I was a bit late so I rushed through. Felt ready for it. Had a nice high carb dinner and showered down ready for a long swim. Fast lane had about four people doing slow breaststroke.. Come on guys move over. Brimming with confidence I jump in and push off "fast". I soon catch up with the first slow coach.. I brush my fingers on his feet, he quickly looked round and knew I was on him. By the time he reached the end he let me go through. I nodded my appreciation. Within two lengths another slow one was in the way. I used the same technique and they quickly moved. This went on for about 20 lengths and they all decided to get out. Good, I'm glad. I'm not being a big head but there are three lanes for different speeds. Not one of these swimmers was fast. I know when I arrive I quickly assess the speed of the swimmers in the fast lane. If they look similar I join, if faster I downgrade myself to the medium lane. I think some people like to think they are quicker than they actually are.
Anyway I reached 40 lengths and felt good. I was really focusing on my stroke, my right arm is strong and makes loads of bubbles as I pull through the water. The left arm is weaker and makes little effort. So I made sure when I took a breath my left arm goes in and I focus on pushing it hard through the water. I also really need to kick more. I do kick but not hard enough. All these improvements will speed me up. So I did 30 lengths in 14 mins. May of been less. I need to get a waterproof watch to do some proper timings. I then pushed on and finished the mile in 32 mins. I wanted to go for a record so I carried on. No breaks so far. My arms were aching but I wanted to see how far I could swim. I stopped at 45 mins of non-stop swimming and had done 84 lengths. So amazed with my improvement. I struggled to do 20 lengths at the start. I felt great after and had to make myself get out of the pool. Next time I want to hit 96. That is 1.5 miles. I really need a good hour to get that done and also a quiet night. Monday night it is!
Weigh in this morning and I was shocked to see that I have lost yet another 2lbs. Quite taken back by the loss.. That is 13lbs in 7 weeks. I reckon I will hit the stone mark by next week.
Planning a big cycle and run with my mate Tom tomorrow, he may not come on the cycle if it rains.. I will still go!
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