Thursday, 15 March 2012

Intensifying the training...

No I haven't done all three in one go yet.. Will be trying that next month but over the last few days I have done them all. The swim on Monday was great. It was very quiet and I had the whole lane to muself. Managed to do 20 lengths without even thinking about it. Got to 50 comfortably and decided to push onto 64. Had a quick rest and then did 6 more allowing me to reach an all time high of 70 lengths. It took me 42 mins and the only reason I stopped was because the pool was closing. Going tonight so will aim for the 64 again but plan to speed it up. Was watching professional athletes on TV last night doing the triathlon. What I did notice was how good their stroke was. It was perfect everytime. Need to work on that. What was encouraging was some of the guys were taking a breath every two strokes and not three like I've been told I should do.. Each to their own I suppose.

The next day I did my cycle and run. Decided to do the same as last week but in the different direction. This made it much easier as I didn't have to battle the one way traffic system through town. Within five mins I was out in the countryside. As I approached the Mapledurwell turn I missed it and carried on for a kilometre. I then realised and turned round. The rest of the cycle was great and I knew I was making good time. Completed in 1 hour dead and the distance was 24.67k (15.4 miles). This was an improvment for me and I got a new PB for my 1 hour distance. Got off the bike and ran my usual 6k route. Found it really tough going. Didn't want to continue but I pushed through the fatigue and finsihed in a slow 31 mins. Still that would of been 26 mins for the 5k so not too bad. All in all a very good few days of exercise.. Off for a swim tonight and then weigh in tomorrow. :-)

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